VANCOUVER — ABC Vancouver announced today that community advocate Mike Klassen has been nominated as ABC’s seventh candidate for Vancouver City Council.
“I’ve spent my whole life working to make our city a better place,” says Klassen. “I’m excited to be running with a team that will bring leadership back to City Hall and focus on building a better future for our city.”
Since 2016, Klassen has served as Vice President, Public Affairs for the BC Care Providers Association, working to improve the quality of life for older adults across the province. Klassen expressed concern about the current direction of the City.
“The cost of living continues to skyrocket, many residents no longer feel safe, and our most vulnerable aren’t getting the support they need,” continued Klassen. “We need to build more affordable housing options and ensure our communities are safer and more liveable.”
During the 2010 Olympics, Klassen co-founded a free events guide “Where to Be for Free” that attracted 2.5 million web hits. As President of PAL Vancouver, Klassen was also the driving force for securing new affordable housing for members of the arts and culture community.
“We need to elect councillors that can deliver,” concluded Klassen. “Whether it’s getting housing built or showcasing our city to the world, I bring a track record of getting things done. We have big challenges ahead of us but by working together, we can, and will, be excited about the future of our city once again.”
Klassen joins seven other ABC candidates for the 2022 municipal election: Ken Sim for Mayor, operations engineer Lenny Zhou, former journalist Peter Meiszner, former VPD spokesperson Brian Montague, and incumbent City Councillors Rebecca Bligh, Lisa Dominato, and Sarah Kirby-Yung for Council. Vancouver municipal elections will be held on October 15th, 2022.
Media Contact:
Taylor Verrall