Mike Klassen
“Whether it’s getting housing built or showcasing our city to the world, I bring a track record of getting things done. We have big challenges ahead of us but by working together, we can, and will, be excited about the future of our city once again.”
“I’m thrilled to be part of an ABC team that is bringing leadership back to City Hall and is focusing on building a better future for our city.”
Mike Klassen was born and raised in Vancouver. He brings to his role as city Councillor over two decades of experience as a community organizer in the Fraser Street neighbourhood and many years of executive leadership in the non-profit sector.
Prior to being sworn into office in November 2022, Mike served as Vice President, Public Affairs for BC Care Providers Association where at the start of the pandemic, he was appointed as Acting CEO at the height of the biggest crisis in the continuing care sector’s history. Mike championed for visitation rights as family and loved ones were kept apart by COVID-19 restrictions, as well as urging for the wider access to rapid test kits for healthcare workers.
Mike firmly believes that supporting older adults in our community is critical when our demographics are shifting. In one of his earliest acts on council, he received unanimous support for enhanced measures to make Vancouver a more Age-friendly City, and for the recruitment a new Strategic Lead for Seniors.
Mike served as President of the board of directors for PAL Vancouver (Performing Arts Lodge), a unique social housing organization that supports our local creative and performing arts community. In 2019, his efforts to increase the amount of affordable housing for arts and entertainment professionals resulted in the ground-breaking of a new 8-storey 66-unit apartment building opening in Fall 2023.
Mike’s past roles include serving as Vice Chair of the Vancouver City Planning Commission, Vice Chair for DOXA Documentary Festival board, and a director on the B.C. Small Business Roundtable. Mike was civic affairs columnist with Vancouver Courier newspaper until 2020.
As the Executive Director of the Appellation Task Group, Mike led a province-wide industry consultation that led to significant regulatory reforms to grow B.C.’s successful wine and grape growing sector.
Mike was recognized by Vancouver Sun business columnist Don Cayo for excellence in small business advocacy, citing his ‘clear and credible’ campaign leading a nine-member business coalition. He was later recognized with an award for his leadership in that coalition.
During the 2010 Vancouver Olympics & Paralympic Games, Mike co-founded an online free events guide that attracted 2.5 million web hits in the span of a few weeks, which boosted community spirit to new heights. He was later recognized by the Provincial minister responsible for the Games for these efforts.
At the beginning of his career Mike worked in B.C.’s fledgling film industry, serving on TV series and feature film sets. He later worked in the video gaming industry on EA Sports popular NBA Live franchise.
Mike is a UBC graduate (Bachelor of Arts studying English literature and political science), as well as being an avid fitness enthusiast. Mike is a father of one and lives with his wife in the Fraser Street community.