Peter Meiszner is an new addition to city hall’s council slate, representing ABC Vancouver.

裴智勵自 2002 年以來一直居住在溫哥華,他曾在溫哥華東區、煤氣鎮、耶魯鎮和西區等多個社區生活過,並且是我們城市和城市環境的熱情倡導者。

他是UBC大學的高級數字策略師,並在Global BC擔任電視新聞的第一位在線新聞製作人,他建立了該電視台的熱門社交媒體帳戶,並培訓直播人員如何使用社交媒體。

He is an architecture buff, leading to a stint as the vice-chair of the Gastown Historic Area Planning Committee and writing about urban issues for the popular urbanism website, urbanYVR. He is passionate about tackling the housing and affordability crisis through innovative solutions, as well as cutting permit wait times and red tape to deliver the housing Vancouverites need.


