“ABC is proud to have run the most qualified and experienced School Board candidates in this past election. Our team of professional, experienced, and qualified candidates has set to work fixing the mess we have experience on the School Board for the past several years.”
- Ken Sim, Mayor of Vancouver
Josh Zhang is a School Board Trustee representing ABC Vancouver.
張伯安7歲時便移民加拿大。他曾就讀於Kerrisdale Annex小學、Kerrisdale小學,以及Point Grey高中(他在那裡有為期一年的運動員經歷,曾擔任高爾夫、網球和羽毛球隊隊長)。張伯安在溫哥華公共學校系統中一共度過了11年,參與了許多榮譽班及課外活動。