Dear ABC Supporters;
ABC Vancouver, alongside our elected officials, are working to make changes and bring much-needed improvements to our city.
We are proud of the accomplishments ABC has made in just a few months in office. Our Mayor, Ken Sim, and 17 elected ABC officials, have quickly adapted to their roles and responsibilities, but we know there is still significant work to do. In this communication, we proudly outline the accomplishments of ABC’s first 100 days in office.
City Council
Uplifting Chinatown motion
Adding vibrancy to the Granville Entertainment District
Accessibility Audit
Funding for 100 new police officers and 100 mental health nurses
Stopping the road tax
Fixed rate CACs for low and midrise buildings
Body-worn cameras for police officers
Harmonising childcare
Removing the cup fee
Adopting IHRA definition of antisemitism
Park Board and School Board
Reimagined school liaison officer program
Removing the Stanley Park temporary bike lanes
Alcohol in the parks
More events in parks
We’ve built incredibly strong relationships with senior levels of government:
Generous in spirit
Announcements about public safety and new social housing
We’re excited about what we will accomplish moving forward!
Thank you for your support.
Please feel free to ask questions or communicate your thoughts at any time:
Marie Rogers
Chair, ABC Vancouver