
Ken Sim is currently the mayor of Vancouver. He first ran for mayor in 2018 with the Non-Partisan Association, ultimately finishing second in the closest mayoral election in Vancouver history. After leaving the NPA in 2020, Ken was a member of the founding team of ABC Vancouver, a new political party dedicated to offering a real alternative to incumbent Mayor Kennedy Stewart and his supporters on council.

Ken is a proud Vancouverite, having been born and raised in Vancouver. Ken is an entrepreneur and the co-founder of two successful Vancouver-based companies: Rosemary Rocksalt and Nurse Next Door, with over 8000 team members, Nurse Next Door now serves over 200 locations across three countries.

在专业方面,沈观健拥有资深特许会计师的头衔 FCPA(FCA),并经常在全球大专院校及相关国际会议上发表演讲。他曾两次荣获安永企业家大奖(太平洋地区)殊荣,包括新兴企业家奖(2006)和健康护理服务企业家奖(2016年)。


